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11 of 12 – Take Regular Breaks for Self-Care: Unwind and Recharge Daily

Take Regular Breaks for Self-Care: Unwind and Recharge Daily ~11 of 12~


When embroiled in the stress of divorce, each day can feel like a marathon loaded with emotionally and physically draining to-do’s. Regularly taking intentional breaks to unwind and reenergize is essential fuel for your body, mind, and soul, so burnout doesn’t set in.Â

Take 5 to 10 minutes where you consciously disengage from life or work demands to relax and restore yourself. Brief breaks actually boost productivity in the long term by preventing fatigue. Think of them as necessary pit stops so you can keep going powerfully.


Here are some quick yet restorative break ideas:Â

 – Step outside for a few minutes of fresh air to clear your headÂ

– Enjoy a mini-dance party to upbeat songs

– Take a 20-minute catnapÂ

– Brew a cup of soothing herbal tea and enjoy without multitasking


Additionally, build in longer self-care sessions each week, where you immerse yourself in relaxation. These can include:

– An at-home spa night with a skin-softening bath, hair mask and lavender lotionÂ

– A long nature walk to clear your head

– An afternoon nap or unplanned paid time off (PTO) from work


Honoring your human needs rather than robotically pushing through divorce-related responsibilities creates space for your highest guidance to emerge. You’ve got reserves of strength available when you consciously reboot yourself.

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