
Blog Post 5 of 7: Acts of Service: When Actions Speak Louder Than Words

For some, love isn’t about what you say, it is what you do. When the love language is Acts of Service, they feel most loved when you’re actively doing things to ease their burden or make their life easier.


Acts of Service can include:

– Helping with household chores

– Running errands

– Cooking meals

– Fixing things around the house


These actions communicate, “I see you, I value you, and I want to make your life better.” For someone with this love language, actions truly speak louder than words.


For those whose love language is Acts of Service, here are some ways to show your love:

  1. Look for ways to help without being asked
  2. Follow through on tasks you’ve promised to do
  3. Ask what you can do to make their day easier
  4. Take initiative in sharing responsibilities


The key is to act with love, not obligation. When you perform acts of service with a joyful heart, you’re not just completing tasks – you’re actively showing love and care.


  1. Hello,

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    Husam Orabi

    Mobile: +971524239312
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