SPA ~ Candles and Towels (Pixabay)

6 of 12 – Seek Support: Don’t Go Through Divorce Alone

Seek Support: Don't Go Through Divorce Alone ~6 of 12~

The emotional weight of divorce can sometimes leave you feeling isolated and alone. Yet, surrounding yourself with a robust support system is vital to help lift you up during the difficult moments of darkness, confusion, or grief. Support can come from trusted friends and family, support groups, or a professional therapist. Each of these relationships serves a unique nurturing role.

Close girlfriends are wonderful for vent sessions over wine, cries together on the couch, and daily check-in texts or calls. They are your soft place to fall apart before putting yourself back together. 

Family can share helpful perspectives from known history together and their unconditional love. 

Support groups connect you to others walking in your shoes who “get it” implicitly. 

Therapists provide professional guidance in building coping tools along with an impartial listening ear.   

The key is to lean on your network and not isolate yourself. Going through divorce solo can exacerbate emotional overwhelm and drain you of hope. Support brings fresh energy, inspiration, and reassurance that you have what it takes to get through this challenging stretch on your unique path.

You may feel guilty or uncomfortable burdening others with your baggage. Divorce shakes even the strongest spirits. Allowing vulnerability and interdependence with your support network makes the load lighter. And one day, you can pay it forward by being the listening empathetic ear for someone else weathering their own personal storm.

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