Silhouette_of_woman_arms_outstretched_to_rising_sun Midjourney Dec 2023

Blog Post #2 of 5: Boosting Self-Confidence After Divorce: It’s Time to Shine

Blog Post #2 of 5: Boosting Self-Confidence After Divorce: It’s Time to Shine

Let’s start with a fundamental truth: Your worth isn’t tied to your relationship status. You are deserving of love, respect, and fulfillment, whether you’re married, divorced, or somewhere in between. Your value comes from who you are, not who you’re with.

The key now is to reconnect with the unique, wonderful person you are, beyond your former role as a partner. Yes, that role was important, and it wasn’t the sum total of your existence. You’re so much more than that – you’re a friend, a daughter, maybe a mother, a professional, a hobbyist, a dream-chaser, andso much more.

Start by making a list of your core values, talents, and sources of joy. What brings you a sense of purpose and pride, independent of your marriage? –Perhaps it’s your creativity. (dust off that paintbrush or build the wooden side table)�

Your intellect (crossword puzzles or sudoku).

Your capacity for empathy (kindness opens doors).

Your adventurous spirit (solo travel or ziplining trip).

Next, identify the negative self-talk patterns that may be undermining your confidence.  When you catch yourself thinking “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never find happiness again,” try to counter those thoughts with more compassionate, affirming perspectives. You might say to yourself, “I am enough, just as I am” or “Every day brings new opportunities for joy.” It might feel a bit silly at first, like you’re your own personal cheerleader, stick with it. Before you know it, you’ll be your biggest fan.

Remember, this journey of self-discovery is uniquely yours. Embrace it with open arms, a sense of curiosity, and yes, even a bit of humor. After all, life is too short not to find joy in the journey. It’s your time to shine now!

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