
What Are We About?

Are youpart of the50% feelinglost,overwhelmed, oralone after divorce or losing your partner?

Your future plans wereshattered. Everythingchanged in an instant on your journey called life.
Were you someone who saw a
30% decline in your standard of living?Â

What didyou give up?

The loneliness and anxiety crept in. Angerconsumed you. You lostyourself and your community.ÂRebuilding emotionally and financiallyseems impossible.

Friendstry to relate but don’t fullyunderstand. They tell you tomove on, even though youmight be part of the65% struggling with depression.Â

Youneed more.

Youwant women who’vebeen there.
Whounderstand the journey’s twists and turns.
Whowill support you until you find your light again.

SHero EmpoweredGives You:

🗸Judgment-free space to open up, be heard, even scream
🗸Genuine connections with those who understand
🗸Practical advice and motivation from women further along
🗸Structure and accountability to move forward after feeling stuck

More than just an online community, it’s anempowerment circle where dreams reignite, and new visions are born through empathy and courage.

Start Your New Chapter Now!

Trusted By

A. Edwards
A. EdwardsFounder, Living Life Resources

Franya teaches and coaches from her heart and experience. What you get from her is genuine and it comes from a place of knowing. Let Franya empower you, again.

A. Tsai
A. TsaiCertified Reset-it Specialist

Going through a divorce can feel like navigating a storm, making it crucial to have a supportive coach who radiates compassion and empathy. Franya shines through with her deep-rooted passion for helping others, offering a nurturing yet empowering approach. A remarkable aspect of Franya's coaching is her ability to foster a safe and non-judgmental environment, allowing one to openly express my fears, hopes, and dreams for what lies ahead. For anyone feeling adrift or overwhelmed by the divorce process, I highly recommend Franya. Her unique combination of compassion, empathy, and dedication to helping others positions her as an outstanding coach and a beacon of light in one of the most challenging times of life.

SHero’s Resource Center

We have a comprehensive set of resources for you to experience. From book reommendations to self paced courses.

Inspirational Self-Help

Here you will find resources from informational blog posts to trainings on how to navigate the divorce roller coaster.


Blog Post 2 of 7: The Power of Words: Exploring Words of Affirmation as a Love Language

For some people, nothing speaks louder than words. If your primary love language is Words of Affirmation, you thrive on verbal expressions of love, appreciation, and encouragement.   People who speak this love language feel most loved when they hear phrases like: – “I’m proud of you” – “You’re doing a great job” – “I appreciate you” – “I love …

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